Outbound Enablement for Software Companies.

Message Creation

I’ll research your target market, uncover the highest resonating pain points, and convert them into outbound messaging.

Prospecting Training

Using the new messaging, I’ll teach your sales team how to source outbound opportunities using the phone, email and LinkedIn.

Outbound Intelligence

We’ll monitor campaign results using my in house app, sdrIQ, telling us where to invest more and early warning signs on what needs to change.

Stay In The Know With The sdrIQ App.

Get exact, down to the minute insights on how to achieve top of funnel pipeline targets and where to focus leadership resources.

Currently integrating with Salesforce, Hubspot & Outreach. Others coming soon.

Sales Executive at Sigma Solve

Jay helped us formalize the messaging for a key outbound campaign we’re working, leading to more bookings and higher conversion on what we set.

The best part of working with him is his proactiveness. He does what he says he’s going to do and works side by side with our whole team to make sure we are aligned in achieving our goals.

Let’s Talk.